We do not have a lot of garden space here. Last year we put in cucumbers and dill and made over 100 jars of pickles. We have several half-barrels that we plant tomatoes in. I think that is the way to go with tomatoes, easier to get the weeds out of for sure.
This year it has been very wet and cool, so we have our tomatoes in, but in the garden spot we just planted dahlias. We did find two bush cucumbers and have those planted in pots and have a few peppers also. We are going to get a bush zucchini, too.
We did plant some lettuce early before it gets too hot. Here in Missouri, we usually go straight from 50 to 90+ overnight and then it stays hot and steamy until late September. Ugh! This spring, however, it has stayed cool and nice and is just now heating up.
So without further ado, fresh from our garden, I give you:
Wilted Lettuce
Fresh leaf lettuce, washed and trimmed
Bacon, fried and crumbled - reserving 1 Tablespoon drippings
Hard boiled egg, chopped
Red onion, chopped

1/2 cup cider vinegar
3 Tablespoons brown sugar
1/2 cup water
2 Tablespoons flour
Into your hot bacon drippings, stir the flour to make a roux. Stir into that the vinegar and water. Cook until thickened and bubbly. Sprinkle over brown sugar and stir until well-blended.

Pour hot dressing over lettuce and top with bacon, egg and onion. Munch down!

It is that simple and you can have a delicious, old-fashioned (if not calorie-conscious) treat! When we have a lot of lettuce, this makes a supper for me!
What are some homegrown pleasures you enjoy?
I agree homegrown is just the best. I long for the days where I things from my mum's garden, now we don't have one and all I can do is grow a few herbs in pots.
Lovely salad
Interesting dressing Raquel, like a sweet and sour sauce! Must remember that!
Hi Raquel, that salad looks scrummy.
When do you plant your lettuce? We live in NE Oklahoma, and we always seem to plant it too early, or too late.
I love all our homegrown veggies, but especially the tomatoes. We've been growing heirloom varieties for the past two years, and they are sublime.
Great looking salad Raquel. We've tried to grow vegetables here, but there's just too much wild life. It all gets nibbled and eaten.
Homegrown is best! Our garden is too small to grow anything.
One of my favourite homegrown things is asparagus but as we only have one crown and the spears appear in 2's or 3's we have to save them up in the fridge until there's enough. One of these days we'll find somewhere for some more crowns. This year Keith has planted abut 6 different varieties of potato but my real favourite is Maris Piper. I love stubby little Chantenay carrots too. Maybe I'll do a blog entry and Keith can be star of the show.
love, Angie, xx
Jan in OK: I think usually we plant it around the end of April. Being in NE OK, you probably are not too far away from us as we live in West Central MO. This year we just planted it right in the tubs with the tomatoes. That works so well, very minimal weeding and you don't have to stand on your head to do it! Thanks for reading my blog!
Jan in UK: Do you get enough sun to plant some things in containers? You can do quite a few things that way.
Angie: When we lived out in the country, we had asparagus and I have been trying to convince Mom and Dad to plant the garden spot in asparagus. Maybe someday!
Nic: The dressing is indeed sweet and sour. I think originally this was a German dish?
Marie: We live in town, but still have to watch, the moles and squirrels will eat a lot of things, also we have trouble with turtles eating our tomatoes, thus the pots!
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