FOR TODAY... December 7th, 2009
Outside my window... cold, gray skies and the promise of snow - or ice tomorrow
I am thinking... that I really kind of enjoy working the early shift
I am thankful for... a nice warm house
I am wearing... black penny loafers, hose, black straight skirt, black turtleneck with my sage green work polo over top
I am remembering... how beautiful the birds are against the snow
I am going... to the British store - possibly - this weekend
I am currently reading... my new Appalachian cookbook
I am hoping... for a snowy winter
On my mind... a dear sister who lives alone - must go see her and take her some holiday cheer
Noticing that... people are so fearful - of so many things
From the kitchen... beef enchiladas, chocolate chip cookies, homemade rolls
Around the house... Just a bit of picking up here and there
One of my favorite things . . . making homemade gifts for loved ones
got daybook?
Please don't give up on me yet . . . I have been busy making Christmas gifts and such. Hoping that you all are staying warm and healthy!
Hello! Noticed we have a few of the same today! (Warm house, homemade gifts, cookbooks, hoping for snow!) As for noticing how fearful people are, I do too...makes me sad. It's my first visit to your blog, and I hope to come back soon! Have a great week!
I would LOVE your enchilada recipe! Mmm :)
How is your new Appalachian cookbook? Please do share a review with us when you can.
Congratulations on winning the eighth day of Christmas! Have a lovely day!
Hope you had a lovely Christmas!
Happy New Year Raquel!
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