Monday, September 1, 2008

Simple snackies

I like simple snackies. Something you can throw together in a flash and nibble on.

So this is not as much of a recipe as a guideline as it were:

A slice of cheddar cheese and half an apple

Pepper jack cheese and plain saltines

Fresh pear slices and a bit of Gorgonzola

Fresh cherries and custard

Hershey's bar and peanut butter

French bread slices with left-over steak

Sliced turkey breast with Dijon Mustard - this is my fave for after Thanksgiving

One of my favorite little snackies is one that my dear Mother made for us when we were kids. It is best eaten in the fall! Just take a bag or container of candy corn and a can of cocktail peanuts (without skins). Mix the two together and much away. Horrible for you, but oh, so good! I like to mix in a bag of plain M&Ms and some raisins, too! This is good at Halloween in little bags, too. Something about the sweet and salty together - MMMMMMMmmmmmmm.

I am absolved of all blame if anyone becomes addicted to the above mixture!


Jan said...

Mmmm yum! I love anything snackie!

Tracy said...

Your snack list is just the think...And what a great combo--candy corn & nuts! We don't have candy corn in Norway...So I look forward to getting some while home in the States soon...two days until we leave--hooray! The laptop goes along, so I will post while away :o) Until soon...((HUGS))

Jennifer said...

You are a girl after my own heart! I love snackies too!

Kitchen said...

Your snack mix looks so good. I'll have to try it. I love simple things like that too.

Marie Rayner said...

oh wahhhhh!!!! wahhhh!!!!! wahhhh!!!! I miss candy corn so much, and those lovely little candy pumpkins you can get before halloween. I know . . . I'm still a kid at heart... *sniffle *sniffle.